We welcome the new Instagram profile @ross_formadoras

We welcome the new Instagram profile @ross_formadoras

The RÖS’S training service, far from being affected by the Covid circumstances, is reinforced with the #RossResponde platform, the digital training service for all aesthetic professionals. At the forefront, our department of trainers, more active than ever, both in...
Binary Premium launch anniversary

Binary Premium launch anniversary

  Our BI system -two technologies, better than one- has its birthday and we celebrate it in style: supporting the professional with a 15% discount for Spanish professionals and optimal financing conditions until March 22 in its #BinaryPremium model. The project,...
RÖS’S innovation. The new diathermy free hand bracelets

RÖS’S innovation. The new diathermy free hand bracelets

RÖS’S innovation. The new diathermy free hand bracelets break with traditional bracelet designs, improving conductivity, mobility and sensations in the cabin. Innovation has a prize in the February edition of Nueva Estética. This month, hands-free bracelets...
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